Sunday, January 17, 2016


It's the start of a new year for me-a few weeks later than what the calendar says, but that's the way it goes sometimes! The last time I posted anything on my blog was late October. Since then a lot has happened. We said our final good byes to my Dad on December 23rd at Indiantown Gap National Veterans Cemetery in Annville, PA. The last few months had been difficult for him but he made his own decisions up to the very end.  Participated in the cake cutting ceremony one last time for the Marine Corps Birthday on November 15th, 2015

This is the obituary my husband wrote for Dad. Galen did a much better job than I would have.

 And yesterday (January 16th) we had the final Memorial Service at the church here in Texas. It was a celebration of his life, all 98 years of it. Several organizations of which he was a member participated too. The Masons and the local Marine Corps League. The league here had  also made sure we had the 21 gun salute and taps played on the 23rd. We had not been expecting that at the cemetery so we were very honored and pleased.

All is all it has been a very emotional few months. Now Galen and I are finding our new normal as the saying goes! It seems strange not having him around but we also know he and my mother are watching over us and while we can't see them they are always with us.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your dad. Sounds like he was a great patriot as well as a great dad. We're going through much the same here with my 95-yr-old MIL, caring for her at home, seeing the end is near. It's never easy but it helps to have quality time to say goodbye.


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