Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fabric Stash-week 6 2015

A little sewing and a little buying this week. I am working on several blocks of the month right now. The Trifecta, block 7 . Also started a new online one. Most of the fabric for the new is from my stash but I did see a few batiks that I wanted to add to it. Didn't finish anything so can't count nothing as used.

Used this week:        0
Added this week;   2.25
Used to date:        19.75
Added to date:        8
Net:                       11.75

Over to Patchworktimes


  1. you need to add a little to finish... at least that's what I tell myself. :) But your net is great to your on the right track! Happy quilting! ~Melanie

  2. Doing better than I am! Have a great week.


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