Sunday, February 1, 2015


I finished the top for a friend. That was 6.5 yards! Plus 1.5 used for  borders for Seeing Stars (Denise's NY mystery) and the backing 4.5 yards. It was a good week. I did have to buy backing for the other top I completed but everything is going in the mail this week. Since it's an in and right out again, I won't even put it in the report.

Used this week:        12.5
Added this week:       0
Used to date:            19.75
added to date:           5 .75
Net:                         14

Too bad not every week can be like this!

Over to Patchworktimes!

Other doings this past week-

We had beautiful weather for part of the week, sunny and in the high 70's to low 80's! We took Wednesday off from the usual routine and went to San Saba for the day. Checked out some places we hadn't been to for a while. One was the San Saba Olive Oil Company. It seems that Olive Trees like the Texas soil and climate as we have several olive orchards now. This business in San Saba has flavored oils and also some great Balsamic blended vinegars. Of course we brought several bottles home with us. Then  to Wedding Oak Winery to partake of some of their wines. After that to the San Saba River Company Pecan company. It was a fun day


  1. You have some good outage this week! Sounds like you had some fun travels too!

  2. You kicked off 2015 with a great stash report.

    Sounds like a perfect day on Wednesday. It's back to being cold and yucky here.


  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...