Monday, February 2, 2015


Nothing on the wall again but did complete 2 quilt tops this past week.  First I decided I wanted my Seeing Stars Quilt a little bigger so I added borders to it.
This is from Denise Russart blog Justquiltin. It was her New Year Day mystery. This will be going to my quilter next week.
My other finish top is Round and Round. It is a  Thimble Blossoms Pattern #156. It was fun to make.
Fortunately or unfortunately it is for a friend. Will have to make myself one!!!! Need to get the top in the mail this week. Must  admit I did go a little cross eyed at times getting those half square triangles in the right direction. And of course had to frog a few too!
Should have something on the wall next week. At the point where I have to start making blocks again, but it was nice to have a couple of finishes.

I stopped at the pond close to our place on the way back from the LQS to see if I could find the pair of white pelicans I saw yesterday. 7 there today! Am hoping they are still there so Galen can get a picture or two with his long lens. They are traveling through so Spring must not be to far behind. The Goldfinches are also coming into our feeders.

1 comment:

  1. Round Robin is such an interesting design. I can see how easy it would be to misorient an HST. Your fabrics in Seeing Stars really make them glow.


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