Sunday, December 7, 2014

Stash Report-Week 49, 2014

Nothing to report this week as far as my stash numbers.  But the tree is up and I have most of the inside decorations up and the outside front is also finished.  I should move my Christmas Cacti inside as they are really starting to bloom.  Decorating inside as been a challenge this year. Since we remodeled earlier in the year I have had to rethink where to put things.  I also think that when the decorations go away again, there will be some major sorting and not all will be saved!

Used This week:                     0
Used to date   :                      101
Donated to date:                    50
Used and donated to date:  151
Added this week:                    .0
Added to date:                      46.75
Net:                                     104.25

I may rethink how I figure this for 2015, whether I keep using a completed flimsy as my criteria or if I use blocks made as the criteria.  Either way I will keep on keeping track as it is good incentive to use what's here and not always just buy. Now I do have to think twice and sometimes three times if I really need it.

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

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