Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Design Wall Monday - December 1, 2014

Hard to believe we are in the last month of 2014.  I know I say this every year, but what happened to this year!  And every year, my Dad says, wait until you are my age and see how fast time goes then!!!! When we're young we keep wishing we would get older and now the years go by way to fast sometimes. Enough philosophizing!

Since my friends and I are having our Christmas luncheon today I can show pictures of the fabric box gifts. These are from this blog   Seaside Stitches    I made mine using 12 inch squares.

Before inside corners are tacked down. Could also be  used to hold very small items.

                                      Waiting for buttons!

                        Filled with little goodies from the quilt store.

         I am working on some other gifts now. But no pictures yet!

           Back to Judy at Patchworktimes!

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