Monday, December 8, 2014

Design Wall Monday-12/8/14

My design wall is empty. Busy week and I didn't step foot in my sewing area.  I did manage to cut the last FQ for Trifecta #4 block. Remember I picked that one up in November.  Maybe this week I can get it finished and pick up December's block!  It's going to be another busy one tho, so I am not counting too much on getting it completed!

It wasn't all work this past week. We did get to spend some time with friends on Saturday. We met them for lunch and had a great time catching up on family and the events of the past few months. On our way home we discovered the Eagle Nest was no longer where we could see it-close to the road. It had been a great attraction for locals and visitors to go see the Llano River Eagles outside of Llano, Texas. We had been going regularly since 2000 or 2001 to see them, watch the young eaglets grow up and learn to fly. It was said to be unusual as ours was a  nesting pair, they didn't just come for the winter.

Galen took this picture last February. That day was fun as a Red Tail Hawk was eyeing the nest with the 2 chicks and the parents weren't pleased. A chase followed for several minutes until the hawk gave up. If you enjoy birds and want to read a little about ours-below is the link. If you read the story you will see that eaglets even can give their parents problems!
Llano River Eagles
Now back to quilting and Judy at Patchworktimes!


  1. I enjoy watching birds and was privileged to see one swoop down on a river and grab a fish pretty close to the boat I was on. Amazing birds. So, are you planning to make a quilt of this guy?

  2. Did you see the bald eagle on Hole 14 at the Hero World Golf Champions tournament? Such beautiful creatures. You are very lucky to have some close.


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