Sunday, September 7, 2014

Stash Report-week 36, 2014

Not much sewing this week. Did get the binding for another quilt cut and ready to put on so I will count that half yard as being used! I also picked up my fabric and pattern for the September BOM - 3 FQS.  I ended up adding a little more than I used but not much more!! All is all not too bad.

We thought the guys were going to start on the family room floor on Saturday, but the guy who is really good laying travertine in a pattern is about 3 days away from finishing up a job. Since he is the one who laid our kitchen floor we are going to wait. Paul, our contractor also wants us to wait for this guy. We agreed. The pattern is 6 different pieces, only 2 are the same size. So now we are on the calendar for next Saturday. Maybe I will get a little more sewing in this week.

This week:                         .5 0
Used to date   :                  85.75
Donated to date:                 50
Used and donated to date: 136.75
Added this week:                  .75
Added to date:                     40.50
Net:                                    96.25

Back to Patchworktimes!


  1. Like you, I've been thinking about counting as I cut next year. But I'm not sure how I would count what's already cut (I have about 40 boxes of UFOs) or remember whether it's already been counted. Have you thought that through? I'm thinking maybe a color sticker on my project boxes could be the clue .... counted vs. not.

    1. I know that my UFO's have not been counted. I think on those I will not count until the top etc is ready for the quilter. A lot of them have been from swaps I have participated in on and off through the years. I have been pretty good about keeping at the ones I cut now and getting them into something! And no, haven't totally thought this through yet! Let me know if you come up with a plan.

  2. It is so much easier for me to count the fabric as out when I have finished a quilt as I use lots of scraps in my quilts.

    It is always worth it to wait for the best contractor available.

    1. I count when the top is put together , the backing is done and ready to go to the quilter. If I have the binding cut then I will count it as well. This case I wasn't sure what I was going to use for the binding so didn't add it to my figures until now. I normally send 3 or 4 quilts to my quilter at one time. If I waited until they were totally done, I'd never have anything to report!!!!! Would be depressing for me to not see any change!


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