Monday, September 15, 2014

Design Wall-September 15, 2014

Surprisingly enough I did get some sewing in last week! Remember this picture from last week?
                                     Once I got it figured out it was a fun one to put together. So in between cleaning up the dust from Saturday's tearing up of the family room floor, and nap time I got the 12 rows together.
Tiki is photo bombing the picture.

The pattern is Puzzle Pieces from the new book Pick Up A 6-Pack from Timeless Treasurers.

This is the week we get the new floor in our family room. They hope to have the last coat of sealer done on 
Friday. If so we can get moved back in over next weekend. Then we get a breather until 2015 when we get the rest of the downstairs done. We are already talking to them about that job.

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful. I've seen it done in different fabrics, put yours are my favorites. Brights, brights, brights.


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