Monday, September 1, 2014

Design Wall Monday-Sept. 1, 2014

My wall is the same as last week.
 Wish I could say other wise! Had plans on working on some other blocks today but Dad had different ideas. Ended up spending close to 4 hours in ER.  All is okay for now, on antibiotics for a bladder infection.  He, of course, was the hit of the ER.  Didn't feel much like doing anything when we got home and besides had dinner to finish up for the 3 of us.  Good thing I had started the chicken pot pie last night. Broth was cooked and I did bone the chicken this morning before he called.
The Monarch Butterflies are starting their migration south. Took this from the family room window on Saturday.

Next Friday is our 44th wedding anniversary and we will be spending it tearing up the family room. We are having new flooring put in-that starts on Saturday the 6th.  We will be moving furniture on the 5th! Guess we couldn't stand not having dust etc that comes with remodel.  But once the floor is done, no more until next year!
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