Monday, August 19, 2013

Design Wall Monday-8/19/2013

On the wall right now are the blocks for the progressive block of the month.  Added one more since last week or maybe two. didn't go back to look at last weeks post!
 Earlier in the week I had this on the design wall.  It is last month's Top of the Month and had to have it ready for the 15th. Tilly, our black standard manages to check out most of the tops!
 The pattern for this month's TOP is Sundance, by Villa Rosa.  I came home decided to cut it out and it was finished the next morning.  Fun and quick to make!  So for once I am ahead of the game.  It's not due until the 3rd. Thursday of Sept.!
This is a closer look of the theme fabric.

All in all it was a productive week for me, now if I can continue on and get to some of the other projects! DH is away this week, so it's me and our girls (Tilly and Tiki) and checking in with Dad-there's hope I'll get more on and maybe off the wall for next weeks Design Wall Monday!

Back to Judy for some Eye Candy!


  1. Sundance is beautiful! LOVE the focus fabric

  2. Gorgeous fabric! You've been busy!

  3. Beautiful! And you have been so productive!!

  4. Fun to make a quick quilt this week. Having fun with your wall.


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