Saturday, August 31, 2013

September Get it done list

My September list: Get out another UFO; 
work on another long overdue and well aged strip club project; 
at least a few more blocks for the Progressive BOM as well as the ones for the BOM for Honey Bee.  
If I get my 3 smaller quilts back from the quilter maybe I can get those bound!
Have a few distractions for Sept. so if I can get to these I will feel good!

So my list for August:

I really had a successful August.  After family left to head back to PA, Galen went to Seattle for a week and I got to sew!
Bind the quilt from July's list.- Done

Bind the 2 donation quilts that I'll pick up probably next week.  they aren't as big.-Done

Get the next Top of the Month quilt top made. they always need to be finished by the 3rd Thursday. Done plus the one due in Sept.!!!!!

Would like to get caught up on the LQS block of the Month from Honey Bee
And yes, I am going to get back to working on at least one UFO!Done-dug out the string blocks with red centers and made 18 more. the top is ready for the quilter!
How did others do in August?


  1. Whew, you were sure busy. That string quilt looks almost exactly like one I did many years ago with the red centers too. They are so much fun.

  2. You did really well in August. I wish you the same in September!


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