Saturday, August 31, 2013

September Get it done list

My September list: Get out another UFO; 
work on another long overdue and well aged strip club project; 
at least a few more blocks for the Progressive BOM as well as the ones for the BOM for Honey Bee.  
If I get my 3 smaller quilts back from the quilter maybe I can get those bound!
Have a few distractions for Sept. so if I can get to these I will feel good!

So my list for August:

I really had a successful August.  After family left to head back to PA, Galen went to Seattle for a week and I got to sew!
Bind the quilt from July's list.- Done

Bind the 2 donation quilts that I'll pick up probably next week.  they aren't as big.-Done

Get the next Top of the Month quilt top made. they always need to be finished by the 3rd Thursday. Done plus the one due in Sept.!!!!!

Would like to get caught up on the LQS block of the Month from Honey Bee
And yes, I am going to get back to working on at least one UFO!Done-dug out the string blocks with red centers and made 18 more. the top is ready for the quilter!
How did others do in August?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Design Wall Monday-August 26, 2013

Took this off the wall the end of last week and had great plans of getting something else up.  Pulled a few things out, but didn't feel like working on them!  Really thought I would get something started yesterday, but between watching a baseball game on TV with Dad (did finish binding a quilt), dinner and what not-no such luck.  So will show you my string quilt UFO that is now ready for the quilter.  It was from a swap, made more blocks to make it 48 x 54.
Galen is back from his Seattle trip but will be busy this week with a friend here from Taiwan.  I do think I will have a few evenings to sew!

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Stash Report-week 34, 2013

I was able to continue sewing this past week with what I had on hand! Dug out an UFO-string quilt blocks that I received during a long ago swap.  Had 24 blocks, made another 18 so the top is 6 blocks by 7.  It is ready for the quilter, backing is cut!

Used to date- 120.5383; added this week 30 - 0;  added to date - 32.066;  Net Used- 88.472!

How is everyone else doing?

Monday, August 19, 2013

Design Wall Monday-8/19/2013

On the wall right now are the blocks for the progressive block of the month.  Added one more since last week or maybe two. didn't go back to look at last weeks post!
 Earlier in the week I had this on the design wall.  It is last month's Top of the Month and had to have it ready for the 15th. Tilly, our black standard manages to check out most of the tops!
 The pattern for this month's TOP is Sundance, by Villa Rosa.  I came home decided to cut it out and it was finished the next morning.  Fun and quick to make!  So for once I am ahead of the game.  It's not due until the 3rd. Thursday of Sept.!
This is a closer look of the theme fabric.

All in all it was a productive week for me, now if I can continue on and get to some of the other projects! DH is away this week, so it's me and our girls (Tilly and Tiki) and checking in with Dad-there's hope I'll get more on and maybe off the wall for next weeks Design Wall Monday!

Back to Judy for some Eye Candy!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Stash Report Week 33-2013

Family has been here and gone. They are back in PA now.  And I have made some progress this past week getting things used. this report is the first since week 30

Used to date- 112.54; added since week 30 - 4.25;  added to date - 32.066;  Net Used- 80.472!
that for me is a real accomplishment when net used is more than twice purchased!

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

Monday, August 12, 2013

Design Wall Monday-August 12, 2013

Now that our family from PA has left I am back to sewing.  It's more like catching up on what should have been done before they arrived!  Yes,, procrastination is my middle name, sometimes my first name!
My Top of the Month for the LQS is due on Thursday in order to get next months at a lower price.  You know what I am working on.
 This is by Villa Rosa, called Lillian.  Uses a jelly roll and accent fabric.  All the blocks are made, need to be pressed, laid out and all that good stuff.  Should get a lot done it today after getting home from taking Dad to the Y.
While they were here we were having afternoon temperatures over 100.  This day was 105-perfect afternoon to spend at the Imax at our State History Museum.  Saw 2 shows, the one on the building of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Railway.  Fred and Donna really enjoyed that one as they had taken that train. This time they got to see the scenery from the air!  The second one was on the Monarch Butterflies and their migration.    Several years ago we were in Big Bend National Park late September and they were on their migration to Mexico.  We stopped in a glen and the trees were full of Monarchs taking a break before taking off again! It was quite a sight.We had seen both before, but they were definitely worth seeing a second time.
 One afternoon we also took them on a driving tour of Round Rock and then out to Lake Travis.  Round Rock has grown a lot since their last visit about 7 years ago.  And while we had been telling them how the lake level was dropping due to our extended drought, it was hard to believe.  We would be under water here.
This is looking back to the boat ramp and no we could have driven out further. The guys figure there is about 3/4 of a mile of extra shore front property.  that green you see should be under water.  But since it's been a good 3 to 4 years or more since we have had our normal rainfall amounts or anything close to it, the lake is now about 34% full. Lowest it has been since the 1950's.
If I am going to get the top pretty well finished today, I had best get sewing.

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...