Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16th and the last day of Judy's quiltathon.  With everything going on today, dad here for dinner, fighting with my laptop and watching it rain I did manage to finish the binding on one of my quilts. All in all this weekend wasn't a total waste. Finished one flimsy yesterday and finished the one pictured.  Thanks Judy for spurring us on!  I'm quite new at this so need to figure out how to put a link here that takes you back to her blog.  Give me time!Maybe I have it figured out!To go back to Judy's blog-here


  1. Welcome to blog-land! That's a lovely quilt, as is yesterday's. And yep, looks like you figured out the link thing :)

    1. Thanks goes to show you can teach old dogs new tricks, it just takes longer!

  2. Both quilts look great. Quiltathons are good for spurring us on.

  3. What a beautiful quilt!! Welcome to the world of blogging!! Looking forward to seeing more beautiful creations!


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