Saturday, September 22, 2012


As I said before, I am new at this so it's easy to forget to post!  It has been a busy week getting things done around here before DH took off for 2 weeks. He gets back 10/6.  I am hoping to get a lot accommplished while he is traveling.  Would like to have gone along as he is on his way to Taiwan. We lived there for 10 years and I really would like to get back.  I know a lot as changed since we left the end of 98.

I packed up and shipped 6 quilts to a friend in San Antonio. She has "Coverangel ministries"  and there is always a need of quilts for children. Will have a few more for her later, but did want to get these off to her.

Today I spent time getting the scrappy Asian one ready for the quilter and just finished sewing up the backing.  Had this great Asian print with Chinese  Lions and Dragons on red.
Even managed to pretty much match the seam!

On another note-it was a beautiful Fall day in central Texas!

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