Monday, December 3, 2012

Design Wall Monday 12/3/2012

It's not really on the design wall but it is a finished quilt using the August quiltathon pattern from So I am going to show it here!To go back to Judy's blog and see what others are doing

Wedding/Christms quilt gift!

Today was a busy day, taking Dad places and getting the Christmas wreathes out of storage.  I did take my quilt with me this morning so my freinds at Honey Bee could hold it for me while I took pictures. It's too big for DH to hold.  This is the one and only Christmas present I made this year.  Actually it's a combined and long overdue wedding gift.  A little like the crocheted bedspread that my Mother started when I was 7 for when I got married.  I married at 23 and we got it for Christmas 5 years later. This quilt is only 2 years late, so who's counting!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Maybe I have my Mother's green thumb after all.  We always had a Christmas Cactus at home, and it would bloom this time of the year.  I was never able to get the right conditions after we moved to TX in '99.  I bought this last year and was hoping I could keep it going.  It was in the house for about a month last winter, but once the weather turned mild it went outside on the back porch.  It gets filtered sun, not the real hot direct Texas sun and we had enough rain over the summer that the birds didn't eat all the leaves for water.  Or maybe having 2 big bird baths and a fountain where they can drink also helped. I was always checking to see if it needed to go back into the house. This is our porch Christmas decoration!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Easy Street part 1

I finally finished part 1of Easy Street ( mystery)  mystery this evening.  ready for part 2.  I rarely can keep up with the clues but there is always hope!
See how others are progressing

Monday, November 26, 2012

Design wall Monday

Life got in the way over the weekend but did manage to get most of the 2 patches made for the 4-patch blocks for Bonnie Hunter's Easy Street mystery.  Tonight should be some interrupted sewing time-hubby will be out of town all week. then clue 1 will be finished and anxiously waiting for clue 2! To Judy's design wall monday or Bonnie's link for 11/26/2012 Bonnie's Easy street 11/26/2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday

My Black Friday will be spent sewing I think.  the kitchen is all cleaned up and the big pans put away until Christmas.  I still use my Mother's old roaster for the turkey.  I am not sure when she bought it, but I know it's the only one I remember her using.  there is a tradmark still visible on the bottom-Alladin Aluminum!  I do know it's over 60 years young!

We have two miniature pomegranite bushes with good size pomegranites this year.  Not sure if they are the edible kind or decoration but it's fun watching them grow.

Bonnie Hunter (quiltville) has posted the first clue for her mystery so I hope to be working on that today.

I need to write on here more often, have a hard time remembering how to get into my own blog!  Off to sew!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall in Pennsylvania

I haven't been on much lately.  Galen took off for about 2 weeks to Asia, came home and we left for PA shortly after that.  We are in PA now, brought my Dad up for his 95th birthday.  (today).  It is a pretty time of the year here, I do miss the Fall color now that we live in Texas.  We have some where we live, but not like home!  Yesterday we went to the park near my aunts-French Creek Park.  I spent a lot of time there as a kid. It was a windy day but still nice to be out.  The lake was full of Canadian Geese, a few snow geese and a mute swan. 

Will try and do a better job of keeping this up, but sometimes other things do get in the way.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


As I said before, I am new at this so it's easy to forget to post!  It has been a busy week getting things done around here before DH took off for 2 weeks. He gets back 10/6.  I am hoping to get a lot accommplished while he is traveling.  Would like to have gone along as he is on his way to Taiwan. We lived there for 10 years and I really would like to get back.  I know a lot as changed since we left the end of 98.

I packed up and shipped 6 quilts to a friend in San Antonio. She has "Coverangel ministries"  and there is always a need of quilts for children. Will have a few more for her later, but did want to get these off to her.

Today I spent time getting the scrappy Asian one ready for the quilter and just finished sewing up the backing.  Had this great Asian print with Chinese  Lions and Dragons on red.
Even managed to pretty much match the seam!

On another note-it was a beautiful Fall day in central Texas!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Design Wall Monday

Have a few different things on the design wall today.  Some Fall snowball blocks that I made for a swap; some snowmen snowballs received from a swap.  Also the beginnings of Fire Escape.  Pattern by Terri Atkinson.  This is being made out of batiks and in blues.  It will be a gift for a friends daughter.  Her Father died in May and i thought it would be good to make each of them a quilt.  The boy's will be from the County Line Pattern all in soccer prints,  Mom's will hopefully be done from florals by Kaffe.  the name of the pattern escapes me right now.  But it is from one of his books. That's the plan anyway and they have been known to change!To go back to Patchwork Times click here

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16th and the last day of Judy's quiltathon.  With everything going on today, dad here for dinner, fighting with my laptop and watching it rain I did manage to finish the binding on one of my quilts. All in all this weekend wasn't a total waste. Finished one flimsy yesterday and finished the one pictured.  Thanks Judy for spurring us on!  I'm quite new at this so need to figure out how to put a link here that takes you back to her blog.  Give me time!Maybe I have it figured out!To go back to Judy's blog-here

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What I did today

Was not able to get a lot done quilting wise today but did finish the borders on my quilt from August quiltathon.

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...