Wednesday, May 8, 2013

UFO Wednesday-5/8/13

I pulled out a UFO this past week- Asian fabrics bordered on 2 sides by black.  I was thinking of doing this one using attic windows setting with sashing etc.  Then while waiting close to the airport last night for the "we have our luggage come get us call" I was looking through a quilt magazine as saw a setting on point that I liked.  Now I am in a quandry-I have 50 squares-what can I do with that or should I make more?  Yes, I need to play some more!

This is my playing around this morning.  If I have it right, I need to make one more block. Of I can make more to make a bigger size.  I have plenty of Asian fabrics!  No problem! Now to decide if I want to make the setting triangles or make like the one in the magazine and cut the outside blocks. 
pattern is called corner pocket in American Patchwork & Quilting

I am also binding another UFO.  It's not listed as I had it put together before we went on parade!

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