Sunday, May 5, 2013

Stash report-week 18, 2013

Nothing in and nothing used that I can count.  Yes, I have been sewing, but the tops aren't finished yet.  Next week I should have some really good numbers to report!

Used this Week:                0 yards
Used to date:                     72.58   yards
Added this Week:                         yards
Added Year to Date:         15.775    yards
Net used year to Date:      56.805

What did others do this week?

With our cooler than normal temps for this time of the year, it was also a good time to get out and do more work in the yard, repotted some plants, planted some flowers.  Our Angel Trumpet out did itself with a lot of blossoms this week.  There was a planting of these not far from our home in Taiwan so when I saw them here I knew we had to get a plant of two.  This one is from a local nursery and it has been doing great.  Have a little different variety I ordered from a catalog-it has bloomed but not as much.  And neither of these are as fragrant as the ones in Taiwan, but I do enjoy them.
Have been feeding hummingbirds for the past month.  We have feeders  up but also keep lots of flowers for them to feed. 
As you see besides sewing I have been outside getting a few things done before it gets too hot!


  1. Wow, great stash busting this year even with nothing out this week.

  2. Love your poodles and your garden is looking so lovely. I'm hoping for a good report next week too. Sandi


  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...