Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stash Report-week 20

This was not a productive week as nothing was used.  Nothing came in tho either so that was good!  The week started off having the prep work done for 2 crowns on Monday.  I think these are the last 2 molars without crowns and had very old and very big fillings!  The rest of the week has been filled with sinus problems.  Just didn't feel like sewing. So my numbers are the same.

Used this Week:                0 yards
Used to date:                     84.58   yards
Added this Week:                         yards
Added Year to Date:         15.775    yards
Net used year to Date:      68.805

On the up side- we did manage to free up a lot of space.  I have had a HQ16 set up for the past 8 years and have not used it for the past 4!  Why, I would rather piece than quilt the tops.  So I have been having them quilted by some one else. On Thursday we delivered the machine plus table to a group in San Antonio-Angel Cover Ministry.  They needed it and were more than happy to get it. 
They make and deliver quilts for Ronald McDonald House, various homes, the military, you name it.  Sylvia can not say no to anyone.  They had been using a home made set up with a regular machine.  This will give them the capability of doing more and larger quilts when needed.  Now to get the last quilt bound so I can get the box mailed to Judy's friend in Waco!

back to patchworktimes

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful thing to do. I'm sorry you did not use it all those years, but not everyone enjoys the quilting process. I'm lucky that I still enjoy both piecing and quilting. Maybe after 8 years I may change my You stash numbers are good even though you had a slow week.


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