Monday, January 27, 2025


Last Week of January!

I took a break from my blog for a few weeks.  Sometimes when I get out of the habit of writing it it takes a little while to get back to it! And I was busy making bandanas for my friend’s 2 grooming business.  Lisa, my friend, was going to be here from CA for a few days.  I wanted to get as many done as I could to send back with here. This is what 84 look like,  xxsmall to medium!

This is just a few of them. They were mostly for Valentines Day but also included some for every day. Will start working on a few more for them in February.

I bought templates from Linda Winner designs.   With the no move material on the back I xan cut through 5 or 6 layers of fabric with no movement.

I met up with Osie who quilts for me.  Got 3 quilts back.   Didn’t have any tops ready to give her.  That will help her get caught up. Here are 2 of them all finshed.

The 2nd one was a quilt along by Border Creek- Pulsar.

We have had some really cold days with just dusting of snow when along the coast had a lot.

We have had lots of birds at our feeders.

Lesser Goldfinches
A flock of 12 white Pelicans graced our little lake for a brief stopover

We did get out for a few trips to look for birds.

Been working on my placemats and napkins for Lunar New Year this week.

Will close with 2 Lady pictures.  Our liquid dog!

To see what others are making good to http://small quilts and doll quilts

Monday, January 6, 2025


January Temperature Swing

We have been enjoying pretty nice first week of 2025. That ends this week. High Sunday 69 low Sunday night 27! We are supposed to be in the 30’s and 40’s during the day and high  20s at night. We start warming up again by the end of the week. May have a little precipitation in the middle of the week but nothing like our 2 bad winters 2021 and 2023.

We did take off Sunday morning and headed back to the Granger lake area. It was overcast and as my Mom would say, it was spritzing rain. Stopped at the dam overlook, too cloudy to see anything. Had decided to turn around at the next intersection.  Then we saw a grouping of white pelicans at a sand bar. The black birds are double  crested comorants.

The skies were clearing so we continued on our drive.  The Burrowing Owl was in his usual location.  Wish it was a little closer to the road for  better pictures. Fortunately Galen has a long lens on his camera.

Ever wonder how a Red Tail Hawk got it’s name?  This one this morning had his tail really fanned out.

When we got home Galen got to work draining hoses and covering the outdoor faucets.  Covered a few plants. So far we’ve been able to keep our Merkot Lime protected in the cold the past few years. Hoping to maybe keep my lemon grass going too. Brought in a few other plants.

While Galen was doing that I worked on more dog bandanas.  Have between 40 and 50 in various stages. Some are everyday bandanas, others are for Valentines Day. 19 are totally done.

Our Christmas tree is still up.  Will come down this week.  Outside lights are put away for another year. Chinese New Year is the end of this month.  Table runner has replaced my Christmas one and will hopefully get a few placemats made from my Asian fabrics.  Kept some out for that purpose.

That pretty much sums up life at the Stewarts. Will be staying close to home this week.  No need to venture out if we don’t have too!

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...