Monday, January 27, 2025


Last Week of January!

I took a break from my blog for a few weeks.  Sometimes when I get out of the habit of writing it it takes a little while to get back to it! And I was busy making bandanas for my friend’s 2 grooming business.  Lisa, my friend, was going to be here from CA for a few days.  I wanted to get as many done as I could to send back with here. This is what 84 look like,  xxsmall to medium!

This is just a few of them. They were mostly for Valentines Day but also included some for every day. Will start working on a few more for them in February.

I bought templates from Linda Winner designs.   With the no move material on the back I xan cut through 5 or 6 layers of fabric with no movement.

I met up with Osie who quilts for me.  Got 3 quilts back.   Didn’t have any tops ready to give her.  That will help her get caught up. Here are 2 of them all finshed.

The 2nd one was a quilt along by Border Creek- Pulsar.

We have had some really cold days with just dusting of snow when along the coast had a lot.

We have had lots of birds at our feeders.

Lesser Goldfinches
A flock of 12 white Pelicans graced our little lake for a brief stopover

We did get out for a few trips to look for birds.

Been working on my placemats and napkins for Lunar New Year this week.

Will close with 2 Lady pictures.  Our liquid dog!

To see what others are making good to http://small quilts and doll quilts

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