Tuesday, November 12, 2024


Veterans Day 2024

I am late in getting this written.  Busy last week into today. We worked more in the yard  pulling some plants that were finished for the year. Cleaned out a raised bed.  Will work up the soil with some compost.  May plant a few cold weather plants- who knows?

In honor of Veterans Day I am posting a picture of the 4 Marines in our family.  Somewhere is a picture of our 2 Army.  Need to find it.  Uncle Bob- WWII and cousin Bob- Vietnam.

Uncle Ted, Aunt Dottie, cousin Irv and my Dad LeRoy.  Ted, Potties and Dad WWII. Irv- Vietnam.

Galen has been in the valley yesterday and today, back home tomorrow.  My play time is over!!! Not really but have been spending more time sewing since I didn’t have to fix meals!

I decided it was time to get the top Plot Twist done.  Wasn’t happy with the directions. Couldn’t see cutting and wasting all those pieces of fabric to even up the sides.  Have enough fabric scraps to use!

I decided to add setting triangles to even up the sides.  I didn’t get a picture of it on the design wall so this will have to do until it’s quilted. But you get the idea.

Had hoped to have a block or two done for Buds and Blooms top.  A lot of units are done but no blocks put together.  Next week.

We did have rain last week.  Close to 2 inches, need more but happy with what we got.

Our evenings have been nice.  Now that we are back on standard time our evenings cool off.  74° is comfortable for a cup  of coffee after dinner on the deck.

Hopefully I will have pictures of some blocks next week.  I will be meeting Osie this week to give her 3 tops to quilt and pick up 2.

Have a great week.

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