Monday, November 18, 2024


A Little Rain Today!

We were supposed to have rain yesterday but it went way East of Round Rock. We got a little this morning, not a lot but any is welcomed.

Late last week after Galen got through his 300 plus pictures he took while on the trip to the valley more plants were pulled out of the beds. It’s time. Now to get the support cages disassembled and put away until next Spring. We also need to transplant some Iris and get the new bulbs in the ground. Galen did spend the weekend trimming our one big bush out front. Needed too before the net lights go up. He will probably start on that later today and finish up tomorrow. We won’t turn them on yet but they will be done!

We met Osie last Thursday. She had one quilt ready for me and I gave her the 3 I had here to be quilted. This is the one I got back. A very old 5 at the Hive block of the month from Honey Bee in Austin. Have black binding machine sewn on the front. Now I have something to work on in the evenings. Good thing I have good lighting by my chair-black binding on a very busy black backing! That’s Lady in the picture she turns 9 this Friday.

There are times when it seems I go out of my way to make a pattern difficult. They say read through a pattern several times. And Cozy quilt patterns aren’t normally that difficult unless you make it that way! After a lot of ripping, sewing again, and sometimes ripping once again I finally got an A block made. B blocks are easier. Have a lot more to make but now I will keep this one at the machine where I can see it! Yes a few threads to get rid of!!!! I am loving the Kaffe fabrics with the black background. Would make a good pattern for scraps.

The other day Galen and I were having coffee on the deck. We both had a chuckle at our Anole pole dancer.

Yesterday I was watching one through our clear roof extension. Reminded me of when we lived in Taiwan. Sometimes we had small wood carvings framed with a plexiglass mat and then the wood frame. The geckos would run and hide behind the clear plexi!!! They thought they were hiding!

Spent a little time in the kitchen yesterday cooking a whole chicken so I could make Mom’s recipe for PA. Dutch Chicken Pot Pie. Chicken is cooked and boned, broth is strained and saved. Sometime later this week we will have it for dinner. I don’t think Mom would mind since she has shared this recipe many times. Mom always made hers with chicken and she did use saffron. My one aunt sometimes made it with beef and rarely used saffron. When ever the Kleinfelters got together for a reunion a lot of Pot Pie was made and eaten. Comfort food! and memories of home.

Rain is over, sun is coming out. The rain was nice while it lasted.

tagging up with Small Quilts

Until next time——

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


Veterans Day 2024

I am late in getting this written.  Busy last week into today. We worked more in the yard  pulling some plants that were finished for the year. Cleaned out a raised bed.  Will work up the soil with some compost.  May plant a few cold weather plants- who knows?

In honor of Veterans Day I am posting a picture of the 4 Marines in our family.  Somewhere is a picture of our 2 Army.  Need to find it.  Uncle Bob- WWII and cousin Bob- Vietnam.

Uncle Ted, Aunt Dottie, cousin Irv and my Dad LeRoy.  Ted, Potties and Dad WWII. Irv- Vietnam.

Galen has been in the valley yesterday and today, back home tomorrow.  My play time is over!!! Not really but have been spending more time sewing since I didn’t have to fix meals!

I decided it was time to get the top Plot Twist done.  Wasn’t happy with the directions. Couldn’t see cutting and wasting all those pieces of fabric to even up the sides.  Have enough fabric scraps to use!

I decided to add setting triangles to even up the sides.  I didn’t get a picture of it on the design wall so this will have to do until it’s quilted. But you get the idea.

Had hoped to have a block or two done for Buds and Blooms top.  A lot of units are done but no blocks put together.  Next week.

We did have rain last week.  Close to 2 inches, need more but happy with what we got.

Our evenings have been nice.  Now that we are back on standard time our evenings cool off.  74° is comfortable for a cup  of coffee after dinner on the deck.

Hopefully I will have pictures of some blocks next week.  I will be meeting Osie this week to give her 3 tops to quilt and pick up 2.

Have a great week.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Design Wall Monday and Other Musings

I mentioned last week about having a consultation for a Root Canal.  That was Tuesday afternoon.  After looking at X-rays and 3D Imaging.  Yes and he had an opening Wednesday morning so I grabbed it.  In at 9 and out shortly after 10. Finished and the old crown back on.  Back in 6 months to see how things look.  Great job and very little discomfort.

We also voted early.  We know what the lines will be like tomorrow even with the number of voters who did vote early.

As promised here is a picture of my Pulsar quilt top.  It was a fun quilt along.  And fabric all from the Stewart shop. I do have to confess though to buying wide backing for it.  Didn’t like what I had hand . This was from a QAL by the Bear Creek quilt shop. Did learn a few new things, which is always a good.

Since I started taking inventory of my “store” I have been going through kits I either purchased or put together myself.   Some have gone elsewhere ( donated) and some kept  stacked near my machine to make.  Went through some of the bins on Saturday and made my decision.

I bought this kit probably from Jordan Fabrics several years ago.  My background is black. In the kit is a jelly roll (40—2 1/2 inch) strips Kaffe fabrics. The rest of the yardage is also Kaffe. Sunday afternoon I started cutting the fabrics and did get a little sewing in.  Accomplished 20 tubes.

You are looking at the wrong side in this picture.   It is 1 Kaffe and 1  background strip sewn into a tube. Next step is to find my strip tube ruler so I can get my half square triangles cut!

Kitchen time last week was spent making applesauce for the freezer.  Had planned on canning it but Galen wasn’t home to get my jars down from a higher shelf in the garage.  Put 5 containers in the freezer.  Got more apples yesterday so right now apples are simmering for another batch for the freezer. My pie pumpkins will get taken care of this week. And yes Lady is a little spoiled-  cooked up ground beef for her. I cook up a batch, put it in small containers and freeze. She gets a little taste in her meals.  Week before we dehydrated chicken for her bedtime snack.  Need I say more?!!!!!

Our big rain event last week- most went around us.  We had less than a tenth of an inch.  More is in the forecast so hopefully we will get more.

Over to Small Quilts to see what others are doing

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...