Monday, October 1, 2018

September Wrap Up

It has been a busy month putting blocks into quilts to be sent to Quilts of Compassion for their deployment to the Carolinas later this year. Got the quilts together that have been ready for just such a need. Those are off to the group now. About the middle of the month I found a 140 blocks from various swaps over the years-string blocks. They were 7.5 inches square.

                         These have since been made into 4 quilts of 35 blocks each.

As soon as I get these back from my wonderful quilted they will also be headed to Quilts of Compassion along with some from friends. Yes, am keeping Kerry @ busy!

I am part of a small group of quilting friends that have become very close. One of our members does a lot for others and we decided it was time for her to have a quilt of her own. She only makes small ones and we wanted her to have one she could curl up in! One of the members found a fun pattern. We each made the string blocks in her colors. Kerry got it quilted for me and we sent her a surprise. She has it now so I can show the picture.

                                                     It's a nice size for snuggling!

I did manage to get 10 blocks made this month for my Kaffe quilt block of the month. Need to make 10 more though. Fun making snowball blocks!

We took off one day for the day and drove out to Kerrville. I can not go to Kerrville without a stop at Creations. My batik collection grew along with one Kaffe.

Another day we finally made it to our Korean Grocery store H-Mart.
First time there and we had a fun checking it out. Loved the fresh produce and fruit section. Having lived in Asia for 10 years we enjoyed seeing some things we had not seen since leaving there.

That pretty much sums up September 2018!

                                             Linking up with Small Quilts for some eye candy

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