Sunday, October 21, 2018

Last Day on the island

This is our last day here until the next visit early in 2019. It has been a good trip. A drizzly day today although Galen did go out this morning for a little while. This afternoon we decided to go for an early mid-afternoon dinner. Went to Daddy's. We have both been hungry for scallops. And we did enjoy them along with the margaritas, cold boiled shrimp and sides. We did skip dessert!

We decided to make one last stop at the convention center to see what was flying! Turns out it was a good idea.
                                                       Female Hooded Warbler

Grey Cat Bird

Black Throat Green Warbler

Great Blue heron

Great Blue heron hiding in the grasses

Roseate Spoonbill

Roseate Spoonbill, Black neck Stilts and Mottled ducks

Roseate Spoonbills

Short - billed Dowitcher

Brown Pelicans

Tri-Color Heron

Not the greatest-had a few empty sky pictures especially when the spoonbills took off and caught the wind. But you can tell this in a pelican!

Not a great picture but here goes
 A Common Gallinule and short billed Dowitcher

Last but not least we had an unexpected visitor in our motel room tonight. Yes, the door is open so I can listen to the ocean.

A Rambur's forktail damselfly! He landed on the light where I am working!


  1. What a super way to add to your life list!

  2. Great photos of some interesting birds. You'll have to meet my brother in law. He was an ornithologist at Western Kentucky, Blaine R. Ferrell. Google him, he's writing a bird book in retirement.


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