Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sunday Sept. 9, 2018

September has so far been busy for us. Always helps to have a special event happen. Our 48th wedding anniversary was on the 5th and we had lots of well wishes and fun comments about the writing on Galen's shoes. His middle bother and a good friend wrote Help on the insoles. Of course we had no clue until we knelt toward the end of the ceremony. We could hear giggling throughout our small church! But so much about that. We did go our for a nice dinner.

I have been sewing on a special project which I can't show yet. But have also managed to finish up 2 quilts. They are packed away until needed some where. My Cowboy Christmas quilt is finally finished

Kerry Lynn at did another great job

                    This is a jelly roll drag race quilt from a u tube video by Jordan fabrics. I only used a 20 strip roll plus background

Another great quilt job by Kerry

On the cooking front I tried a new recipe for pork carnitas made in the crock pot. It is a keeper.We have had 2 meals. The rest is going in the freezer in meal size portions for us. Will be a great and easy meal.

We have been getting some rain this week. Any rain is good. Several inches so far and more predicted. Hoping the predictions are true. I think most of the cotton has been picked so it shouldn't hurt those farmers too much. And the late cotton isn't ready yet hopefully the rain is not hurting it!

See what others have been doing

Saturday, September 1, 2018

What happened to August?

Not sure what happened to the month of August. It flew by! Dad always said the older we get the time seems to go by faster. He was sure right there!

                                       We made progress and got the quilts hung.
                                                              My perfect Union
                 Hand pieced by me and machine quilted by Bonnie Hunter (Quiltville)

Looking down from the second floor landing

Have this one on the railing.

The insert finally came for my machine and the Koala cabinet

Sewing the binding on my Kaffe scrap quilt (Blue Bricks pattern)

And now a finished quilt

This is the wide backing. Not a Kaffe but it was perfect for the quilt.Had it quilted by my friend Kerry at  As always she did a wonderful job.

And this is the completed quilt from the last of the straight furrow 9 patch blocks. Kerry did another great job on this one as well 

I actually have 6 months of blocks done for the Kaffe BOM quilt. This only shows 5. The other one is another grouping of 20 checkerboards. 70 blocks made so far for the mystery quilt! I must be enjoying it. I am usually not up to date!

Other happenings this past month. Had our trees trimmed and thinned out. The grass does want some sun.And we refuse to put more rock in the front yard and mulch beds in the back. Need some grass especially in the back for the girls Tilly and Tiki!

Since I am keeping track on my monthly block total for the 350 block challenge I can report 70 blocks for August. 430 blocks through July.With my 70 this month  -500! As soon as out temperatures get a little lower and we start taking off more for bird and butterfly migrations I may not get as much accomplished.

Will be interesting to see what September has in store. I do know one thing-we celebrate our 48th Wedding Anniversary on September 5th!

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...