Thursday, November 16, 2017

Mid-November catch-up

I have been keeping busy and actually getting a little sewing accomplished. The secret quilt I have been working on is at the border stage. That is great progress as the on-point blocks were giving me some trouble! But I think I can turn it over to my quilting friend early next week!

Several of us saved a quilt along pattern last year from
It is  Barn Dance. One of my friends is off this week from school so we decided to start it.
                                            Join me for the BARN DANCE quilt a long.   Barn Dance is made up of various sized Hole In The Barn Door blocks.  I will be posting links at the bottom of this page with instructions. If you would l…

           If you don't follow justquiltin with Denise check out the link above this picture. She has lots of fun patterns

As you see it is 4 different size blocks. We decided to make the 6 inch first as that was the blocks needed then work our way up.  My 37 blocks.

Next the 12 inch blocks

Dug into my scraps of batiks but did have a good amount of the background fabric. So am using that

We have been watching a Monarch Chrysalis for a few days. 
Yestereday while checking out the solar light to see how things were progressing we discovered a Caterpillar on the other side

This morning it looks like this

                  We think the one on the right may be getting ready to become a butterfly. Will be keeping                       a close watch.  Love Mother Nature!

Back to Small quilts Doll quilts

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Design Wall 11-5-2017

I was able to get back to sewing this past week. Decided this was the perfect pattern to get me sewing again. 12 FQS from dark to light and 1 yard for the stars. Got into my stash of batiks


                                                                     the line up!

my test block

And my finished top!

I am working on another quilt top now but can't show it. The wrong person could see it and that would spoil the gift!

Feels good to get back to piecing again.

I also wanted to freeze pumpkin this Fall for pies. 

 Enough for 20 pies. Mom's recipe makes 2 pies.

Hoping to get cabbage yet so I can get sauerkraut made. In the meantime I have pork defrosting to be smoked for bacon and other dishes! Will be staying busy for a while!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October 2017 Wrap Up

It was a busy month of binding quilts for Quilts of Compassion. The Scrappy Courthouse Steps was the last to be bound.

This is a picture of the 8 quilts I sent off this time. 6 by my friend Wendy and 2 more from me.
Got them sent on Oct. 24th as we were leaving on the 26th for South Texas-Rio Grande Valley.

Janice posted a picture earlier this week of over 1000 quilts that had been collected and now they have 1900 packed and ready to make the trip to SE Texas. 

They will be picking up more on the way. Hopefully these will bring a smile to the recipients.

My husband is into taking pictures of birds, butterflies and dragon flies and the Valley is known as a good place for that very thing. We spent several days in Pharr, Texas and then on to Mission, Texas. These are all close to McAllen. Went to Santa Anna Wildlife Refuge, The World Butterfly Center and Bensten State Park. The park is strictly for viewing birds etc. No cars in the park. Lots of blinds and walkways. You can take a tram to get to places or rent bikes. It was a good few days away.

I should have more to post next week. Did cut out fabric for another quilt after we got back!

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...