Monday, October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017

Not a lot was accomplished this past week as far as actually sewing something!  Did a lot of removing batting from extra basckings. Will need to cut into scrap sizes when I am finished with the quilts. This one is done and ready to go.

This is another one from my friend Wendy that I need to bind this week.

Not sure what why I didn't accomplish much but I did get a little cleaning done. And we were busy with yard and doing other things. 

Tomorrow would have been my Dad's 100th birthday. He had planned to make 100 but 98 was all. We will celebrate his 100th anyway tomorrow and with friends on Friday. Still have some of his favorite scotch here.

I need to dig out my Halloween quilt. Think I gave a way all my Fall quilts. Sounds like a good project for 2018!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Design Wall Monday-October 9, 2017

This past week has been one of finishing things! Shock! In all serious having a project and having a deadline really does help. I spent the week making bindings and binding quilts that I need to mail off to Quilts of Compassion in about 2 weeks. These 5 quilts are from a friend in MO. She had tops and wanted them to go to this group. She was mailing some others to me for a different group so she added them to the package. I got the backings and the batting and my friend quilted them. Spent last week working on the final step-binding. I enjoy the last step of binding by hand. Once the one side was sewn on I could sit outside and work on the hand stitching. More fun to listen to the birds and witch the hummingbirds come in to the feeders. Kept getting buzzed one day-yes had on a red shirt!

Will have to get another picture of this one later today. This I took while it was on my lap and I was working on it.

I have one more of my friends and some of mine now to bind as soon as they come back from Kerry.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

End of September 2017

Looking back over the month of September I did manage to get a lot of sewing accomplished. Don't ask about cleaning etc! That always needs to be done and done. Clean only last for a day or two!  Quilts, when completed I can move on to another quilt!
Early in the month I made another Arkansas Crossroads.

                                  Made the Candy Land quilt.

Completed the blocks for the String-X quilt. Top is together.

 Made 7 more blocks for the scrappy Courthouse step quilt top and got it together.  

Got 6 more blocks made for the long term swap I am in on another group. Those were mailed off this week. Forgot to take a picture of the whole group with the new ones

Also made the Shuffle Quilt. A free pattern from Sparrow Quilt Co when you sign up for their newsletters. Fun quilt using a layer cake.
It was raining the day day I took this picture. Tiki did think I had put it on the couch for her. Could be why she looks a little sheepish!

A friend also sent be some tops to be quilted and then sent to Quilts of Compassion. Put together the backing and batting for those and gave them to Kerry along with mine to quilt .

I have the binding made and ready for several of the quilts. Will get the rest cut and sewn so as I start getting the quilts back from Kerry I can get them bound. All but the Shuffle quilt will be heading to Quilts of Compassion for the trip to Texas.

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...