Monday, September 4, 2017

Design Wall Monday-September 4, 2017

Took it easy for the early part of the week and then kicked into high gear the end of the week! Decided to make another Arkansas Crossroads quilt since I still had everything out. It is a quick quilt and I was wanting that as this will eventually get sent to Quilts of Compassion and end up somewhere in south Texas. That top I finished yesterday. Have a bolt of Kona snow and that ended up being my background. This is the third Crossroads quilt and I don't see a dent in my container of  2 1/2 inch squares. I tell myself that is because they are fluffed up from pulling out squares. That sounds good to me. No picture yet, haven't pressed it. Getting tired of this pattern so will put it on hold for a while.

Am planning on getting more donation quilts made so I pulled out a Villa Rosa pattern a friend gave me called Candy Land. It uses a layer cake so I went through my stash of those and came up with a bright one. Should be nice a cheery for some one.
The layer cake is called Bahama Breeze.
It is a simple pattern and will got together quickly.

I have packed a box of 6 quilts from here for Quilts of Compassion. Hoping they will cheer a few people as they get their lives back after Harvey.

            2 Smaller quilts- Tam's Patch and a New Year's eve mystery quilt

                                                The first Arkansas Crossroads scrap quilt


Large New Year's eve mystery quilt

The second Arkansas Crossroads scrap quilt

Pineapple Blossom quilt
(Bonnie Hunter free pattern)

It wasn't all sewing. We finally found q new bird bath. We had been looking for one that had running water since we got rid of our fountain.
It did not take long for the birds to find it. We now have 4 in the back yard, but this is the only one with moving water. Between 4 baths and all the feeders you could say we are bird friendly! Put out more hummingbird feeders today as they are saying with all the destruction in SE Texas and that is the migration path of the Ruby Throat Hummingbirds they are going to need extra food and to also make it 3 to 1 instead of the usual 4 to 1.

Tomorrow is our 47th wedding anniversary. More than likely a normal day and dinner out!

                                                       Over to smallquiltsand dollquilts

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