Monday, September 18, 2017

Design Wall Monday-September 18,2017

Some sewing to report for last week. This project that I mentioned last week is getting closer to being a quilt top.

We were supposed to go to LA for a few days but that trip was canceled and instead we traveled in Texas. Went to Uvalde (W of San Antonio) and then north to Junction. I was able to get the background triangles cut and sewn on the strips. That was my project to work on while Galen was out walking and I didn't want to go along.

These pictures were taken at Cooks Slough outside of Uvalde. There was a nice bird watching pavilion that I had all to myself on a weekday.

It is an old landfill site and now part of it is the water treatment plant for the city. It is a beautiful area with lots of walking trails and of course the ponds.

While Galen was out walking I worked on my blocks. I kept hearing a bird so went to investigate. The Cactus Wren must have wanted his picture taken as he sat for me!

Galen did get some great pictures.

We had already made reservations for the girls at camp. Tried a new one in Round Rock. It is very nice and the girls said they would go back.

They sent us several pictures of the girls. Here is one

It was a nice few days away but good to get back, pick up our girls and sleep in our own bed! 

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