Monday, July 31, 2017

July Sewing Update-7/31/2017

Seems I haven't been very good at keeping up with weekly postings!
July did not start out very well for me. Managed to get a bug that lasted for about a week and then took almost as long to feel really good again!  Of course the triple digit temperatures did not help. But the last few weeks have been more productive!

I brought several scrap bins down and cut at the kitchen island. Have scraps cut into usable sizes now

                       That is only a few of the stacks before going into their respective containers

                      I also came across 16 partially finished string blocks that I had been working on before we tore apart the upstairs last year. They are now finished. I know I have some finished ones somewhere!


     I made 12 more Churn Dash blocks for the QWL block lotto. They are so much fun to make and take no time at all!


Since I was cutting more scraps I put together another Arkansas Crossroads Quilt
           I used a different background this time, a more colorful tone on tone. Really like it

Also made a sample block for the QWC block lotto. This quarter we are back to red/white/and blue colors

It has helped that we have been having a lot of hot weather. I have only ventured out when absolutely necessary. Have been inside sewing!

The girls have only ventured out when necessary too!

For getting a slow start to the month I actually got more accomplished than I thought I would!

See what others have been working on

                                          OVER TO SMALLQUILTSAND DOLL QUILTS

Monday, July 3, 2017

End of the month sewing update-June 2017

The first 6 months of 2017 are over! Not sure where the time went but Dad always said the older we get the faster it seems to speed by. I am certainly finding that true!

I was busy this month getting 420 2 1/2 HSTS in red and white ready for a swap later this summer. They will finish at 2 inches. Probably have about 520 done as I will need more for what project they will be used for. But I can say the ones for the swap and done and bagged.

Made another 8 blocks for the Quilters Who Care group on Yahoo. They are also red/creams/whites and scrappy. These will go to one of the members in Canada. She will put the blocks together for the soldiers there.  These are the 12 I will mailing to Canada later this week. Val will be putting these together with a lot of others for the soldiers in Canada. If I remember correctly she will be adding red maple leaves in the big white/ cream areas.

Started making churn dash blocks in brights for children's quilts. So far have 12 of those made.

My big project has been a Judy Niemeyer table runner. Rocky Mountain Bear Claws. Took a class for that at Honey Bee. The individual sections are finished but getting the arc right between the paw and claw section has been giving me some trouble. This will figured out.

Besides the sewing that landscape project is now finished except for us getting some plants in the ground. I am really looking forward to when I can say the driveway is new. The old one is really breaking up. That will be later but still this year!!!!! Then we hope to take a few years off from major projects!  We are both ready.

Linking up with smallquiltdanddollquilts for design wall Monday

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...