Monday, July 31, 2017

July Sewing Update-7/31/2017

Seems I haven't been very good at keeping up with weekly postings!
July did not start out very well for me. Managed to get a bug that lasted for about a week and then took almost as long to feel really good again!  Of course the triple digit temperatures did not help. But the last few weeks have been more productive!

I brought several scrap bins down and cut at the kitchen island. Have scraps cut into usable sizes now

                       That is only a few of the stacks before going into their respective containers

                      I also came across 16 partially finished string blocks that I had been working on before we tore apart the upstairs last year. They are now finished. I know I have some finished ones somewhere!


     I made 12 more Churn Dash blocks for the QWL block lotto. They are so much fun to make and take no time at all!


Since I was cutting more scraps I put together another Arkansas Crossroads Quilt
           I used a different background this time, a more colorful tone on tone. Really like it

Also made a sample block for the QWC block lotto. This quarter we are back to red/white/and blue colors

It has helped that we have been having a lot of hot weather. I have only ventured out when absolutely necessary. Have been inside sewing!

The girls have only ventured out when necessary too!

For getting a slow start to the month I actually got more accomplished than I thought I would!

See what others have been working on

                                          OVER TO SMALLQUILTSAND DOLL QUILTS


  1. You got quite a bit done in spite of being sick! It's been hot here, too. Your pooches are so funny!

  2. That is a nice long list of DONE! Enjoy.


  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...