Monday, September 14, 2015

Fabric Stash report-week 37, 2015

I have not done one of these since late May! Week 22 to be exact! 
It has not been a good summer between the remodel and my Dad. A lot of sleepless nights which equates to some on line fabric shopping!!!! What little sewing I have done has used some stash and some new stash!  I have no clue as to exactly how much fabric has come into the house with some more ordered for 2 Christmas gifts. Right now I will just say +50 and be done with it! As to what has been used, will figure that out for next week's report.

Used this week:               0
Added since week 22-  60
Used to date:                 21.33
Added to date:               71
Net:                               49.67

This remodel took longer than first planned for and not our contractors fault. Things not coming in on time or the wrong thing coming in. Hoping the replacement shutter arrives and is installed this week. The company sent the wrong one. We may hold off for a month or two before starting on the next phase.Between this and my Dad being in and out of the hospital several times ( in again now) there has been enough stress to deal with for Galen and I.

Over to Patchworktimes!

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