Monday, October 27, 2014

Design Wall-October 27, 2014

Not much sewn this past week. I did manage to remake my Trifecta Block #2.
Never noticed that I had switched the bottom row on each of the 2 blocks on the left!
                                                          These do look a lot better!

                              I also managed to get the fabric cut for Trifecta #3 but not sewn. Hoping to get these sewn together this week and maybe finish binding at least one quilt. I usually work on hand sewing in the evenings but lately have been going to bed earlier than usual. Probably catching up from the stress of the past month.  That's okay, the quilts are by my chair in the family room for when ever!!!!!

                    And here I am giving Dad his Birthday Cake last Sunday afternoon!

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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Stash Report week 43, 2014

A very quiet week here-nothing in and nothing out. Did work on a few things but nothing finished!

Used This week:                  0
Used to date   :                  87.5
Donated to date:                 50
Used and donated to date: 137.50
Added this week:                0
Added to date:                     46
Net:                                    91.50

Maybe next week I'l have some different numbers!

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Monday, October 20, 2014

Design Wall Monday-October 20, 2014

Not on the wall but something I can show!  I managed to get the top of the month finished on time,I have a mistake in #2 BOM (bottom left block) of Trifecta so I will be doing a little frogging and then putting it back together again
                                                               HIDE AND SEEK
                                                   BLOCKS FOR #2 TRIFECTA
                                                             BLOCKS #1 & #2
It felt good to be able to get some sewing in this past week. I have 2 quilts not that I can work on sewing the binding in the evenings. Been awhile since I have had any hand sewing.

the rest is about other doing this past weekend so if you want to skip Back to Patchworktimes!

It was a busy weekend. We stopped at the Pumpkin Patch with the girls on Saturday.  Needed some small pumpkins to make pie filling for the freezer.
 On Sunday we had a surprise Birthday party for my Dad. There were about 20 of us and we did pull it off as a surprise.  Quite a few of his friends from the Y came as well as some from church and some of our friends who he has gotten to know since moving down here 7 years ago.

 Made good use of the new island. It made it so much easier than our old set up for serving food. I did get some things made but this was one time I was quite happy to have some things made at the deli in the grocery store.  This was a last minute deal since we weren't sure how Dad's health would be.
                           Dad is the one on the left, his friend is the one with the can of coke.
One very tired puppy. The girls love to have company but they miss being on the couch!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Stash Report-week 42

I have not posted in a while. My Dad went in the hospital for an over night and went home 18 days later. So you know where we have been. At his age, 97 this past Friday (17th) we weren't sure what was going to happen. But he is now back in his apartment, still living by himself and having a little home health care. And he plans to make it to 100!  

I did manage to get my Top of the Month done that was due this past Thursday and also some blocks. But added fabric for the next Top of the Month and this month's BOM pattern. My numbers went in the wrong direction!  Am hoping though with things looking up for Dad I can get some more sewing time in and at least break 100 for the year!

This week:                         1.75
Used to date   :                  87.5
Donated to date:                 50
Used and donated to date: 137.50
Added this week:                 5.50
Added to date:                     46
Net:                                    91.50

Back to a little cleaning-just took the last of the pies out of the oven. Having a Birthday get together today for Dad.

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