Monday, October 27, 2014

Design Wall-October 27, 2014

Not much sewn this past week. I did manage to remake my Trifecta Block #2.
Never noticed that I had switched the bottom row on each of the 2 blocks on the left!
                                                          These do look a lot better!

                              I also managed to get the fabric cut for Trifecta #3 but not sewn. Hoping to get these sewn together this week and maybe finish binding at least one quilt. I usually work on hand sewing in the evenings but lately have been going to bed earlier than usual. Probably catching up from the stress of the past month.  That's okay, the quilts are by my chair in the family room for when ever!!!!!

                    And here I am giving Dad his Birthday Cake last Sunday afternoon!

Back to Judy at Patchworktimes

1 comment:

  1. What's more amazing is you not only sewed wrong once, you did it twice! It's so easy to do when you get in a rhythm. I love the blocks. Are they called Trifecta because you stack three then shuffle?


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