Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Design Wall Monday

I took  last week off from posting so this is catch up time.  I realized I needed to concentrate on getting doggy bandanas made.  Finished up 62 holiday bandanas.  They will be split between Lisa’s grooming shop in CA. and the rest will go to our sister in law Donna for her church bazaar early November.   Made 3 sizes- medium, small and a few tiny ones.  This photo is a sampling. Lisa will be getting the Fall ones along with Christmas. Rest of the Christmas will go to Donna. They are fun to make and help get rid of my way to much fabric stash!

Now that they are ready to send off I got back to my Pulsar blocks.  I have had clue 1 done for a while.  The fabric was cut for #2 but I needed to learn how to use the speciality ruler- the half rectangle trim tool from Creative Grids.  Took watching the u- tube video by Deb Heatherly a few times.  Got out the Scrap fabric and got it figured out.

Clue 2

Since I knew what the next clues were I wanted to see a few done

Clue 3

And then I had to try a block from #4

Clue 4

Clue 5 is also out.  I think I should be totally caught up by the big reveal!!!! For me that would be a switch!  I tend to get the tops made after the fact!  I am going to like this one and all fabric is from home!  Guess it was a good thing I have been sorting my fabrics.  Would not have thought of using some of my Asian fabrics.

We are still having 90+ degree days.  Austin had 100 yesterday and Waco north of us broke an all time record 104.  If the daily forecast is right today and tomorrow are our last days in the 90’s. But I will believe that when it happens. Of course we need rain.  Burn bans are everywhere.

I did freshen up several of our planters last week as well as getting several hanging baskets.   I also picked quite a few cubanelle peppers. They are a sweet pepper with a little heat.   Also called Cuban Peppers.  I have been using them when I make the Mississpi Pot Roast or pork roast. They add good flavor to an omelet.  We have 2 plants but one has been very productive.

Still see an occasional hummingbird at our feeders so I will leave them up until the end of the month.  The Monarchs have been feeding on our Mexican Sunflowers along with a few other butterflies as they migrate south. Galen took this picture on 10/2 of this year.

I was surprised to see some Rain Lilies blooming by our one Live Oak. These came with the house 25 years

I am linking up with Design Wall Monday


Monday, September 30, 2024


Almost October

Just 3 months left in 2024!! I need to get busy if I hope to get everything done I had hoped too do. I have been making a valiant effort though.

Had a very productive week working on quilts.  I was able to bind another one for Linus. Twirling at the Disco. 

Hard to telling the picture- very scrappy binding.

I was able to get all the blocks done for my Texas themed quilt.  A fun way to use a lot of preprinted 5 inch squares. I decided to add borders.  Found fabric with barb wire on it. Decided it needed to be the inner border. I used black grunge for the other border.  The top is ready to be quilted.

Love the way it turned out.

I have the next few days where I can spend time mostly sewing.  Sunday I finally was able to start Pulsar quilt along by Bear Creek.   I’m about 6 weeks behind!  Today I did clue 1. There are 80 here. And yes I went ahead and sewed the waste half square triangles that were cut offs.

I think #5 clue comes out this Thursday.  Pretty sure I won’t be caught up but maybe can get 2 & 3 done by then.

Need to cut out and start sewing bandanas/scarves for dogs too.

I have pie pumpkins here to bake and freeze pumpkin puree for pies.  And also need to start canning applesauce. I will be busy.

Hope everyone has a safe and productive week.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


A Texas Fall

The calendar says it’s Fall and our Live Oaks agree.   But it is still summer temperatures, although not quite as bad.

Our Live Oaks started dropping acorns last week.  With the extension we had added to our deck roof this time last year it sounds almost like gun shots when the acorns hit it and then roll off onto the walk and yard. The shop vac is now out and getting used.  Easiest way to pick them up. They are hard on bare feet and the broken caps sometimes get in between Lady’s pads.  Tiki really had a problem with that. Galen has probably picked up 6 or 7 gallons with the vac.  These are not large acorns either.

On the sewing front I got quite a bit done on the Texas blocks. The pattern I am using is called Focal Illusions by Wombmate Creations.  I bought the pattern from Classi Creations in Pensacola,  FL. These blocks are from preprinted panels probably done in 2015.  Amazing what I have been finding as I clean out!

Another find was partial pieces cut for  pattern called Shenandoah.  I always think of the river when I hear that word.  This was a kit I bought quite awhile ago.  It is now ready to be donated to our local Linus group.

This week I hope to get my Texas blocks finished and one other donation quilt bound.

Made one of our favorite stir frys for dinner the other night.  Shrimp and Asparagus.   We enjoy that one- it’s quick and not a heavy meal.  The recipe is from Maggie Zhu.  I have made quite a few of hers.  You can find her on line.

I am linking up with Design wall Monday


Thursday, September 19, 2024


Last Week Happenings

Started out the week getting our trees trimmed. Had a couple of dead branches that needed to come down plus getting some of the lower branches away from deck roof. Also a few  needed to be raised higher from the new roof. While she was up on our roof cutting branches a squirrel jumped off a branch and landed about 3 feet from her.  Galen was out watching and saw it happen

They had quite a bit to put through their shredder, but not near the amount from the past years of storm damage.

We weren’t sure if there would be a problem while they were here.  Google Fiber people put up no parking signs the day before.  They didn’t get to our cul de sac until the next day, so no problem. The arrow is pointing to the very narrow ditch- make the ditch, burry the cable and follow with a concrete patch. It sounds like our street was lucky. There were a few water lines and sprinkler lines cut on Friday.

My sewing time was spent on finishing up more doggy scarves/bandanas for my friend.  Some bigger ones for Halloween plus some for Fall. 6 Halloween and 8 for Fall plus one generic.

That’s about all for us.  I need to get back to my quilting projects. I have 2 smaller quilts to get the bound. Hoping we get back to more Fall like temperatures. The Hummingbirds are migrating through.

I’m linking up with small quilts


Saturday, September 14, 2024


Design Wall Monday and Other Happenings!

Not really design wall as nothing is there!  But I did get some sewing accomplished.  13 more dog scarves/bandanas for my friend in California.  These are all for Halloween.   Need to do a few more then get them in the mail.

Osie and I moved our meet up to tomorrow.  That gave me more time to get more things ready to donate to Linus.   Had hoped to get one more top together to give her to quilt but that didn’t happen.  Spent most of the time sorting. Safe to say a lot more fabric is going out the door than coming in!

While sorting through my Asian fabric bin I found what I wanted to use for a mystery quilt I am doing. It’s called Pulsar and is from Bear Creek. Hope to start on the clues later this week. I have some catching up to do before the next clue comes out.

That will be about 6 yards used out of my stash.  That’s a win!

I am signed up for 2 others of theirs.  One is Tranquility.  Way behind on that one but did get my fabrics pulled, all from stash.

We did manage to go to Salt Grass for our anniversary.  It’s been our resturant of choice for our anniversary dinner.  They never fail.  We both ended up getting the same entree this time. A small filet and grilled shrimp.  Their big margheritas are good too!

Our weather has been much better. Unfortunately we didn’t get the rain here that was forecasted but other areas did- some too much rain at one time.  We did have a couple of afternoon showers tho and a nice breeze at times. We’re able to sit out and enjoy the deck more.  Saturday morning Galen left to spend time at Gonzales.  After he left Lady and I sat outside for awhile.

Unfortunately it got noisy.  They are putting Google Fiber in all of Round Rock. They started on our cul de sac Thursday while we were out and back adding more holes Saturday morning. Not sure when the cable will be buried.  In the meantime the yards have extra decorations!

Black and orange- ready for Halloween!

That’s about for now. I am linking up to small quilts to see what others are doing.


Monday, September 2, 2024


Labor Day

Another busy week of sorting more items that had not seen the light of day for a few years! Keeping some and redistributing some items elsewhere.  I’m trying.

I found the perfect wide backing for my Carnival quilt top.  Quite colorful just like the front.

Our friend Lisa has opened up La Mia Bella West since she is spending most of her time in CA.  Her son Garrett has taken over the original dog grooming shop.  Over the years I have made scarves/ bandanas for the one here.  I was able to get a few made for Lisa to take back with her this week.  Generic ones.  Will get started on holiday ones now. Here’s what I gave her to take back.  15 but it’s a start!

Great way to use up fabric.

Galen was able to get away for a day and a half.  I gather I didn’t give Lady enough attention.  She was happy Daddy got home Thursday afternoon.

She’s telling on me!  Daddy, Mommy was too busy at her sewing machine!

I think Osie and I will meet up this week.  Will get  2 quilts from her that I will get bound and then give back to her for Linus.   Have 2 more to give her to quilt.  One is a donation and we will keep the Carnival one.  I also have quite a few boxes of fabric donation for the group.  I had hoped to have a least one more quilt ready for her.  Next time!

The weather has been nicer, not as hot.  A brief shower or two.  Not quite an inch for the month!  That’s not good.  We are supposed to have a rainy  few days this week.  Here’s hoping!

Thursday the 5th is our 54th wedding anniversary.  We normally go to Salt Grass for dinner if in town.   Will do that again on Thursday.

We sure looked young! Friends love the picture of us kneeling at the Altar. If you enlarge that picture you will see the word HELP on Galen’s shoes! This was done by his brother Fred and his cousin Jake. For several years after that when ever Rev Hunter saw an article where that happened at a wedding he sent it to us!

to see what others are doing— https://smallquiltsanddollquilts.blogspot.com/

All for now. 

  Design Wall Monday I took  last week off from posting so this is catch up time.  I realized I needed to concentrate on getting doggy banda...