Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Catching Up!

What are difference from last week’s freezing temperatures.  We had the coldest nights of the year.  Not supposed to happen in mid-February! Several nights in the teens!  We got plants covered and they survived pretty well.  One didn’t and that was fine.  Was hoping it might not. Galen dug out the old frames with frost protector covers that we had used on our raised beds.

This week. Mostly 70’s during the day with 50’s at night.  Now to get some rain. We did sit on the deck for awhile last evening. 

Our bird feeders were busy all week as well as the birdbath with the fountain.  We had the small heater in so it didn’t freeze.

We did get out on the 17th to the Granger area.  While we had seen very few Northern Harrier Hawks other times, we saw quite a few that day.

I spent a good part of the days making dog bandanas for my friends dog grooming shop in CA.  39 for St. Patrick’s day.

Working on ones for Easter now.  She is going to be in town this coming weekend.  She can take these back with her.  Will get others made for the groomer here and deliver those early next week.

With the cold damp weather last week I tried a new recipe for Spicy Butternut Squash Soup.  That recipe will go in the make it again file.

It’s the time of the year to get out at least one hummingbird feeder.  Also to decide what do we want to plant.  It will be whatever will do well in containers.  Getting too much shade in the back yard.  Yes shade is good except for gardening.

Hope everyone has a great week.

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