Monday, October 28, 2024


A Productive Week

Managed to get a couple of things off my to do list during the week. Dentist appointment, not a good one but a needed one. Another one this week-consultation and set appointment for a root canal.

Did finish the Pulsar quilt top for that quilt along. Love it and will keep the idea in mind for maybe another top in the future. Can’t post the picture yet-not until the end of the month per the rules. Next post. And I have the backing ready for my Texas quilt. Should see what I have for backing for Pulsar.

I did cook up my pumpkins. Lost a couple, wasn’t thinking about this Fall being so much warmer than the last time I did this. The garage was too warm to keep them. Did get enough for 2 – 1 1/2 cups of puree. My Mom’s recipe that I always use uses 1 1/2 cups for 2 pies. Our neighbor enjoys them too! Have several more sugar pie pumpkins on order from HEB. Tomorrows grocery pick up. Will get those cooked, pureed and in the freezer.

Before going in the oven. And yes, my counters are not always clear of stuff!

We went out to Granger yesterday hoping to see dragonflies etc. We were happy to find the road over the dam open. It had been closed since last December. The fishermen are happy too. Quite a few at the spillway. Very little dragonfly activity. Did see several flocks of Savannah Sparrows as well as 2 Red Tail Hawks performing sky acrobatics. I saw a flock of White Pelicans flying away from us. Galen couldn’t get his camera on the fast enough. A big old Opossum crossed the road in front of us going into Friendship Park. In the distance we did see some ducks so they are on their way back to Texas. We do need rain. They say is in the forecast for later this week. Hopefully we will get some. An inch would be nice, more even better. But that’s doubtful.

Now to go through my projects and see what I want to start on next. Yes I do have a few here to finish but I need to get another one going. I work better when I have more going at the same time. I have tried doing one for start to finish. Didn’t work. Even when I worked at the cross stitch shop in MN I would have several going at the same time-a shop model and one for me! Guess I need variety to keep it interesting!

All for now. Hope you have a good week.

Friday, October 25, 2024


Design Wall Monday and other musings

I was able to make clue 5 this past week for the Pulsar QAL by Bear Creek. Hooray, I am all caught up! I love the way this is turning out.

Last week we were actually able to turn off the AC units for a few days. But so typical of Fall in Texas we have had to turn them back on, but not having to run them constantly. We have started some Fall cleaning in our flower beds. Galen pulled a couple of dead Mexican Sunflower plants. Still plenty of others blooming. Lots of butterfly activity along with the occasional Hummingbirds feeding on the flowers. We still have 2 feeders out for them s well. Will take them down in another week.

We had not gone out to Thrall in several months, so we took a drive this past Saturday. Nice drive on the back roads but not much flying. The Dragonflies wouldn’t sit or were flying East into the sun. Galen did get a few pictures. The Kestrals are back and we did see a Road Runner. Like I said nice drive but we see more in our backyard! It has been so dry and that doesn’t help. Not even many Grasshoppers and out there we always see a lot. We did wait for someone to get their calf off the road. Found an opening to get out but not back in to the pasture. She got him back in where he belonged.

Galen has been dealing with learning Windows 11. A lot of his old programs don’t work on 11 so he is figuring out what he needs etc. And there is a definite learning curve for the newer Adobe photoshop.

Me I am still going through things here at the house – sorting, pitching, donating or finding a better place here. A lot more is going out the door. And I did get the doggy bandanas mailed off last week. Good to get them out of here.

I am linking up once again with Small Quilts over on Design Wall Monday

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Design Wall Monday

I took  last week off from posting so this is catch up time.  I realized I needed to concentrate on getting doggy bandanas made.  Finished up 62 holiday bandanas.  They will be split between Lisa’s grooming shop in CA. and the rest will go to our sister in law Donna for her church bazaar early November.   Made 3 sizes- medium, small and a few tiny ones.  This photo is a sampling. Lisa will be getting the Fall ones along with Christmas. Rest of the Christmas will go to Donna. They are fun to make and help get rid of my way to much fabric stash!

Now that they are ready to send off I got back to my Pulsar blocks.  I have had clue 1 done for a while.  The fabric was cut for #2 but I needed to learn how to use the speciality ruler- the half rectangle trim tool from Creative Grids.  Took watching the u- tube video by Deb Heatherly a few times.  Got out the Scrap fabric and got it figured out.

Clue 2

Since I knew what the next clues were I wanted to see a few done

Clue 3

And then I had to try a block from #4

Clue 4

Clue 5 is also out.  I think I should be totally caught up by the big reveal!!!! For me that would be a switch!  I tend to get the tops made after the fact!  I am going to like this one and all fabric is from home!  Guess it was a good thing I have been sorting my fabrics.  Would not have thought of using some of my Asian fabrics.

We are still having 90+ degree days.  Austin had 100 yesterday and Waco north of us broke an all time record 104.  If the daily forecast is right today and tomorrow are our last days in the 90’s. But I will believe that when it happens. Of course we need rain.  Burn bans are everywhere.

I did freshen up several of our planters last week as well as getting several hanging baskets.   I also picked quite a few cubanelle peppers. They are a sweet pepper with a little heat.   Also called Cuban Peppers.  I have been using them when I make the Mississpi Pot Roast or pork roast. They add good flavor to an omelet.  We have 2 plants but one has been very productive.

Still see an occasional hummingbird at our feeders so I will leave them up until the end of the month.  The Monarchs have been feeding on our Mexican Sunflowers along with a few other butterflies as they migrate south. Galen took this picture on 10/2 of this year.

I was surprised to see some Rain Lilies blooming by our one Live Oak. These came with the house 25 years

I am linking up with Design Wall Monday

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...