A Productive Week
Managed to get a couple of things off my to do list during the week. Dentist appointment, not a good one but a needed one. Another one this week-consultation and set appointment for a root canal.
Did finish the Pulsar quilt top for that quilt along. Love it and will keep the idea in mind for maybe another top in the future. Can’t post the picture yet-not until the end of the month per the rules. Next post. And I have the backing ready for my Texas quilt. Should see what I have for backing for Pulsar.
I did cook up my pumpkins. Lost a couple, wasn’t thinking about this Fall being so much warmer than the last time I did this. The garage was too warm to keep them. Did get enough for 2 – 1 1/2 cups of puree. My Mom’s recipe that I always use uses 1 1/2 cups for 2 pies. Our neighbor enjoys them too! Have several more sugar pie pumpkins on order from HEB. Tomorrows grocery pick up. Will get those cooked, pureed and in the freezer.

Before going in the oven. And yes, my counters are not always clear of stuff!
We went out to Granger yesterday hoping to see dragonflies etc. We were happy to find the road over the dam open. It had been closed since last December. The fishermen are happy too. Quite a few at the spillway. Very little dragonfly activity. Did see several flocks of Savannah Sparrows as well as 2 Red Tail Hawks performing sky acrobatics. I saw a flock of White Pelicans flying away from us. Galen couldn’t get his camera on the fast enough. A big old Opossum crossed the road in front of us going into Friendship Park. In the distance we did see some ducks so they are on their way back to Texas. We do need rain. They say is in the forecast for later this week. Hopefully we will get some. An inch would be nice, more even better. But that’s doubtful.
Now to go through my projects and see what I want to start on next. Yes I do have a few here to finish but I need to get another one going. I work better when I have more going at the same time. I have tried doing one for start to finish. Didn’t work. Even when I worked at the cross stitch shop in MN I would have several going at the same time-a shop model and one for me! Guess I need variety to keep it interesting!
All for now. Hope you have a good week.