Monday, August 17, 2020

August 17, 2020

 Another week has come and gone. It was  a hot one in our part of the world. The whole week was 100 or a little more. Think the highest was 105. Good week to stay indoors and sew. 2 weeks ago I was digging out my seasonal fabrics to see what  had for the dog scarves. It was a fun weekend of sorting and pressing fabrics that I had not seen for a while. A lot of my theme fabrics had been stored away when I decided it was time to start using all those batiks I had so carefully been preserving! That was right before Dad's condition worsened. And after he died we started traveling more in the Fall and Winter. Migration time for the birds, butterflies and dragonflies along the Texas coast. This year with Covid-19 we have been home and I have been sorting, tossing, and looking at patterns for some of my fabric library. Yes, the library is extensive! I am still adding to it but only as needed or in otherwards to go with something I want to use!

             This is my stack of Christmas prints. All neatly pressed, folded and stacked!

In this picture you see Fall, Halloween  and the stacks of Christmas

Some of the Fall fabrics are being sewn into placemats and table runners for us. Need some new Fall things for the house. It's been fun sewing something else other than blocks for quilts. Small projects are a great way to work on for that feeling of accomplishment. And since it looks like we won't be going anywhere soon might as well make use of these fabrics ad get some enjoyment from them.

AS I said in the beginning it had been a hot week. Our new one, Lady loves to get on her daddy's lap and with her markings makes her very photogenic. Here she's saying Daddy, too hot outside, I don't want to chase the squirrels today!

Hope everyone has a good day. And stay well!

Linking up with Small Quilts Doll Quilts

Monday, August 10, 2020

 August 2020!

A year has passed since I wrote on this blog. Thought I would give it a try once again! Been fighting a little with Wordpress!

We have been staying put this year since our last trip to Rockport in early March. Then Covid 19 took over!  I have been doing a good bit of quilting. Of course made masks and still making a few. My next endeavor has become making scarves for our girls groomer. 

                          Fun masks for some kids

                                                Tiki modeling her poodle scarf



                                            Lady modeling hers

Scarves for LaMia Bella

Doing a block challenge for Quilting with Love Facebook group. I give them a block with a few months to make what ever they can. They send them to me and I get them into tops. A friend of mine quilts them. I finish them and then they are donated to various groups; Linus Connection, Quilting for Kids and Quilts of Compassion are the 3 main groups.

                              Right now we are making Happy Blocks!

We lost Tilly our black standard May of 2019 to lung cancer. This March we introduced Lady Adelaide to our family. She is 4. We got her from a breeder outside Houston. She was no longer able to have puppies. She and Tiki get along great. Yes there were a few spats but nothing major. Tiki is 15 now and I think is happy to have company once again. Just about every night she goes out, walks around the side of the house and gives several low woofs. We've decided she is filling Tilly (her sister) in on her days activities!

Lady is very active. Loves to run. She is fun to watch. Once in a while our old girl will ambush her like she did Tilly

                                                    Galen with Lady

I have been quilting as well. This one was from a Quilt along this past May. My friend Osie did a beautiful job quilting it for me
Its' called Daisy Chain

             This was a UFO that was finally finished.-Night Sky. Osie quilted this one for me as well

I have managed to finish several unfinished projects so far this year. Need to keep doing that

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...