Another week has come and gone. It was a hot one in our part of the world. The whole week was 100 or a little more. Think the highest was 105. Good week to stay indoors and sew. 2 weeks ago I was digging out my seasonal fabrics to see what had for the dog scarves. It was a fun weekend of sorting and pressing fabrics that I had not seen for a while. A lot of my theme fabrics had been stored away when I decided it was time to start using all those batiks I had so carefully been preserving! That was right before Dad's condition worsened. And after he died we started traveling more in the Fall and Winter. Migration time for the birds, butterflies and dragonflies along the Texas coast. This year with Covid-19 we have been home and I have been sorting, tossing, and looking at patterns for some of my fabric library. Yes, the library is extensive! I am still adding to it but only as needed or in otherwards to go with something I want to use!
This is my stack of Christmas prints. All neatly pressed, folded and stacked!