Friday, February 1, 2019

Other January Happenings!

There was an unusual visitor to Uvalde Texas this winter. A Rufous-back Robin. Usually seen in CA. and AZ in the winter months. It is native to Mexico. With Tilly doing better we took a few days and drove to Ulvade. It is a little south west of San Antonio. Unfortunately Galen could only get his picture looking into the morning sun. But he got to see it and it is a new life bird for him.

It was a beautiful spot along the Nueces River.  I can imagine the people who live on that particular dirt road are wondering why there is so much traffic!

But when there is an unusual sighting of a bird you are never alone!!! There was a couple from Fl who happened to be on a birding trip as well as a couple from Kansas.

While we were a way we had someone redo our deck. The Texas sun is brutal and the previous stain and sealer was in bad shape. So now it is stained and not sealed. Will be much easier to stain again in a couple of years.

That's it for January 2019!

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