Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What I hope to accomplish the first week of December 2018

I had this written and forgot to publish it! Guess I should add that to my get it done list!

1-I did get all the blocks for the Irish Chain Star quilt finished and they are sewn together into rows!

Sometime this week I plan on getting the rows sewn together. Border may have to wait for next week!

2-I also managed to sew a bunch of Kaffe blocks

This week have November's to sew. Mine come at the end of the month so always a month behind.

Did not get anything else on the sewing front done from last weeks list.

3-Adding this week-table runner and maybe placemats!

Cooking-yes to the chicken corn noodle soup. Made some was eaten and the rest in the freezer.

Need to get out the dehydrator and do up more chicken snacks for our girls.

4-need to finish with the Christmas decorations!

That is probably enough for the week!

linking up with Judy at Patchworktimes

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Good bye November 2018

As much as I have to admit it my parents were right-the older one gets the faster the time goes by or seems that way! Here we are the last month on 2018! Hard to believe!

November was a busy month for us. We took off on several day trips looking for birds that were migrating through our part of Texas. And deer season started the first Saturday of the month. On the weekends Galen joined his friend in Brady I was able to stay here and sew. That is always a plus. We did have a trip planned for Rockport the week after Thanksgiving but Galen has a chance to go with another friend in early December birding in the Texas Panhandle region. We changed the dates of our trip and this past week has been spent decorating for the Christmas holidays!

My sewing-finished all the blocks for the Irish Chain Stars. This is a picture of the first 5 rows on my design wall. Taken before anything was sewn together. there are 9 rows all in all. This was a block of the week posted by Debbie at Piecing the Past. This was a nice change of pace for me as lately I have been sewing with mostly fabrics from Kaffe. Totally different look!

Speaking of Kaffe I have all my blocks through October finished for the mystery. November's just arrived, they will be next.

All in all November was a fairly good month with time spent at my sewing machine. 91 blocks total-63 for the Irish Chain Stars and 28 in Kaffe blocks!

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...