Monday, November 12, 2018

What I would like to get done this week-11/12/2018!

A friend of mine, Judy at Patchwork Times is posting her want to work on list for the week and asked us to join a long if we want! Like New Year's resolutions I have never been very good at lists but will try!  You can see Judy's post here

1- I got a late start on the Double Irish Stars block of the week from Piecing the Past.
    Week 4 came out this morning, I am working on week 2! Each week is 4 blocks and multiples in         each block.
                                                      Blocks 1 - 4

2-Still need to get October's blocks made for the Kaffe mystery.

3-There is a baby quilt that needs to be started

4- A small quilt that needs binding

5-And a kit started that I cut out this past summer. I got 3 of the 4 made that I had cut, but stalled out on probably the simplest one!


1- I want to get some chicken corn noodle soup made and frozen.

2-I made a beef noodle soup last week that tasted much like what we ate in Asia. Want to get more of that made up and in the freezer as well.


There is the on going project of sorting and tossing from the upstairs. That will be on my list from now and forever!

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