Thursday, August 2, 2018

July 2018 Wrap Up

July has been a busy month around here. Mostly with inside stuff as we have had quite a few triple digits. I think all of the last half of the month.  Galen did manage 2 all day trips with friends searching for Dragonflies. They were productive trips. Good thing as both days  they had a heat index at 105 or above!!! The girls and I enjoyed the AC at home. They will run out into the yard, see what is around and then are ready to come back in. Early morning and late evening they like to be out. I think middle of the day they have no interest in  chasing squirrels!

One exciting thing happened-my Koala Cabinet arrived on the 24th.  Those cabinets are heavy and it needed to go to the 2nd floor

We do have a nasty turn at the top of our stairs. 2 guys came with the delivery, then they called a third and then a fourth showed up. The cabinets weigh between 500 and 600 lbs. They had the doors off and drawers out but still very heavy and awkward. The guys were very professional-did not want to damage cabinet or our walls. They did a great job.


  Probably the only time the top will be completely free of fabrics!

Put the nice big surface to use when machine binding quilts for Quilted With Love
Speaking of Quilted with Love these are the 4 quilts made from blocks that people sent. They are on their way to a chapter in NC.

I didn't get any farther along on my last cowboy quilt. Did get the July Kaffe mystery blocks completed. Guess that means I should get May and June made! Then I could say I was caught up!

Mailed off 7 completed quilts to Quilts of Compassion. And did get 2 more quilts bound. So all in all it wasn't a bad month for sewing! Now If I can get the thumb on my right hand to stop giving me problems I will be happy!

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