Saturday, July 14, 2018


The first 2 weeks of July have been busy! Actually making progress on the upstairs sort, toss and organize job. I even found the couch on the landing that had been piled with "stuff".

Now the girls have a place to hang out when they are upstairs with me. If Daddy isn't home they will come to see me. And having the couch covered means they are not underfoot.
 Also got our smoker going once again. 3 pork shoulders smoked for Buckboard Bacon. I pretty much follow my friend's Judy way of making it.

All sliced, packaged and in the freezer. It's good. Had some for breakfast this past week. Also smoked a brisket. So once was big pieces in the freezer are now in small packs!

I have also been getting a little sewing in-have to have some therapy! This is the quilt that was cut out and next in line to put together.
 My theme rows are done but need to sash them and finish putting the top together. This was a kit from Poppies in Georgetown. 2010 vintage! So not as old as the previous 2!
Also needed to get back to putting the block challenge blocks from Quilted With Love group on Yahoo.One of our missions is to make quilts kids. We doing block challenges this year. The first one
Nine Patch Straight Furrows
This setting is 4 x 5. This is taken on the design wall before putting them together. . Yes missing row 4 in the picture. Will get a better picture when pressed. This is top 2 from the blocks sent to me. Have enough for 2 maybe 3 more tops!

We had a rain event-that is what we call it when we haven't had rain for awhile. This was much needed.

Caught up this past week with a very good friend from our time in Taiwan and her son. Of course we went for Chinese food!

And for the final pictures for today! A friend sent me several red/white and blue tops to be quilted and delivered to a group here who take quilts to Ft. Hood. Since it is a lot less expensive to send tops and not the completed quilt I told Wendy I would get the rest taken care of. 2 are finished.
Wendy Owens here are 2 of them!

They will be delivered the next time the group meets at Honey Bee!
Enough for today. i still have more to do upstairs and want to get a lot done before my new sewing cabinet arrives-probably this coming week or the next!

1 comment:

  1. I love that quilt on the couch under your beautiful dogs! Clearly, they like it, too :)


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