Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sunday night in Port Lavaca, TX

Getting this written tonight as we will be on the road in the morning and heading to Rockport for a few days. We drove down to Port Lavaca on Friday so Galen could hopefully get pictures of the Purple Sandpiper. He has been wintering here in Point Comfort across Lavaca Bay and that is unusual for Texas. It is another bird from the Arctic. We saw it Friday afternoon but did not get good pictures. Saturday was very windy and misting. No bird when we were in the area. Today was good! Lots of pictures so now Galen has another lifer as far as birds go. And it was a good day for other's as well.

I got to sew Saturday evening and this afternoon. Looks like I did not bring enough a long to work on. I have 28 of the 36 blocks needed completed. Guess I will have to do a little shopping in Rockport  at  Golden Needles and Quilts . It is really a cute shop and the owner is very nice.

Don't need much room to sew! Put bed risers under the coffee table in the room and I was good to go!

The last 8 sets

So far they are Tiki approved

The girls are great travelers. They get to spend a lot of time in the car.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

February 2018 Wrap Up

Surprisingly I did manage to rack up a quilt and some block numbers for February!
I made the Almost Houndstooth Quilt, a pattern from the Stashbuster series on Sparrow Quilt Co.
60 blocks

Then I started the Breezy Day kit from Fat Quarter Shop. The blocks are finished, quilt top not!
35 blocks

It is a mix of shades of blue and grays with white.

I am working on blocks now for QWL. We have a block challenge now until the end of April. Everyone will be sending their blocks to me to put into tops for donation quilts. I picked the Nine Patch Straight Furrows block from Quilter's Cache. Got 5 blocks made so far. The requisite is very scrappy, lights and darks! In other words use some of the stash we tend to have too much of! Here's my 5

I have one of my March projects and ready to take along to the coast tomorrow. Yep, leaving on another trip. I think this kit could be from 2005-2007! Yes, I am unearthing some long over due kits and projects. This will be great for someone who loves the outdoors.

As for our girls, Spa day tends to wear them out.

The do have a rough life! 

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...