Monday, February 26, 2018

Design Wall Monday-February 26, 2018

Looks like I took some time off from blogging! But I have been busy!

While at the quilt show last month at South Padre Island, my sweet husband bought me one of the demo Martelli Work Stations. This is the mid size one and I am loving it. On  demo models you get a good discount. And we had the pickup so it came home with us. I am loving the adjustable height, easy to move casters etc. And it does come apart so we were able to get it upstairs where I wanted to use it!

 Advantage Work Station Kit
That's my everything gift for this year and then some!!!!!

And it has been getting used.

I have been following and also making the stashbuster quilts each month from  Sparrow Quilt Company If you follow this link it will take to you where I can see the one for March.

February's quilt was Almost Houndstooth. I was able to use quite a few layer cake pieces that were left over from other quilt tops.

                                                             This is my finished top

I have not decided yet on this month's Undone Stashbuster quilt pattern,Need to decide soon so I can take it along on our next trip. I have to have something to do in the motel room in the evenings!

I have also been working on a quilt kit from Fat Quarter Shop called Breezy Day. It is basically blue and white with some grays thrown in foe good measure!

2 of the 35 blocks needed.

As some of you know my husband does photography of birds and butterflies. There were reports of Snowy Owls in Texas this winter. They were spotted in 4 locations. Up until this year there had only been 8 sightings reported and none this far south or west in Texas. We took a few days and drove out to Odessa, Texas. I guess the Owl wanted to be among the oil fields! We stayed in San Angelo. Much less expensive to stay there and drive another 60 miles to go Owl hunting. We did find the owl. She was hanging out along a busy highway in basically a strip mall. Beautiful bird and very much worth the trip. By the markings they figure she is about a year old. She flew to the light standard in the mornings and perch there for the day. We walked all the way around the base of the light and she sat there and watched. it was hard to get a picture with her eyes open the whole way. She was facing the sun!

Tilly our black Standard poodle turned 11 on Valentine's Day. Hard to imagine!

They are both watching their waistlines so they shared a peanut butter/banana cupcake.

That is about all for me. 

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...