Monday, August 28, 2017


Hoping for a much drier week now and that Harvey goes elsewhere and is no more. Happy to be in the Austin area but feel really bad for everyone south and east of us. We ended up with a little over 6 inches of rain, minor when compared to others. Our coast has been decimated for now. it will take a long time for them to come back but they will never be the same.

I managed some sewing since I last posted. I am in a swap on a yahoo group and the blocks are due in September. Hooray, they are finished and finished early! Our theme was summer.

Last week I got my 2 Arkansas Crossroads quilts back from Kerry. With the rain this weekend I got them finished.
                         The sun was shining for a little while just now so got a quick picture of each

the bindings are also scrappy and the backing is the same on both.

Monday, August 7, 2017


Not much in the way of sewing last week. I did however pick up my Desert Sky quilt from my quilting friend Osie.  These are a few quick pictures I took then. Now I am sewing the binding and then will hang it on the wall in the family room. Have the perfect place for it!

Will take more pictures when completely finished. It was a fun class and I really like how Osie quilted it for me.  Looking at driveway work is not the most exciting thing!  Over to small quilts 

On Friday they started work on our drive way. We had the privilege of listening jack hammers Friday and part of Saturday. Felt bad for our neighbors especially on Saturday morning. But with temperatures in the high 90's and heat index in the triple digits they needed to get to work early. We kept a cooler with ice, water and Gatorade for them.

Thin wire for reinforcement was probably code when the driveway was put in in 1995. 

There was very little base if any in some areas. A little sand at the end of the drive

 Then in 2 spots it was either a better mix or much harder. They ended up drilling holes and when they bring in the bob cat they will get the rest broken up.
Not sure if they will be here today after all. The much needed rain is finally happening. So far a little over 2 inches since midnight! Will take it! It is supposed to stop around noon so they may be here after that.

  Catching Up!   poodlegirls     cooking ,  Daily Happenings ,  Gardening ,  General Sewing ,  Life at home ,  Nature ,  Travels ,  Uncatego...