Monday, May 29, 2017

Design Wall Monday-May 29, 2017 Memorial Day

In honor of Memorial Day where we pause and pay our resepcts to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country this is a short video from Ft. Indiantown Gap National Cemetary in Annville PA.  My Father and his 2 brothers and a sister were all in WWII. When visiting any of the National Cemetaries it is a sobering time. We were fortuante in that all of the family returned from WWII and the ones since then. My Father is now buried here as well as other family members. This was from their ceremony yesterday. Hopefully one day we will be in PA for the Memorial Day Ceremony

In Honor of Memorial Day

Now on to quilting!

We got back to Round Rock middle of last week. Took a few days but I finally got back to my Arkansas Crossroads blocks.

The X blocks are sewn

Here 2 blocks laid out to get an idea

On Saturday I put it on the design wall. And that is where it has been patiently waiting for the next step! I do need to move a few blocks around, although I am not sure it would really matter! There is a lot going on!

The outer border blocks are made (half an X) for the outer peaks.

Will play with those on the design wall today. And while I was at Honey Bee (LQS) saw the perfect wide backing. Bought enough for 2 as I have many more 2.5 inch squares to use. The quilt used 404!

This next one will be sewn as leaders and enders. Have a lot of other things to work on too. But it was the perfect projet to take along on our trip and work on in the room at night!


  1. Your backing fabric is perfect for your quilt. I made that design a few years ago with left over squares from a water color quilt. It's a fun design and your blocks look great.

  2. Great blocks, I love how it goes together. Love that backing fabric.


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