Sunday, April 9, 2017

Design Wall Monday-April 10, 2017

Managed some sewing this past week mostly on blocks for 2 yahoo groups where I am a member; Quilted with Love and Quilters Who Care. The QWL group is making the 6.5 inch bow tie blocks for this quarter out of kids, novelty and bright prints. Most of our quilts go to the little ones. They are fun to make. We send them to one person and she makes them into quilts.
       The QWC group lotto this quarter is a certain block in reds and wow and coc . At the end of this next quarter at least half of the blocks will go to a member in Canada and quilts for the Canadian service men and women will be made. Last quarter we did blocks for American military.

It's fun to make all these blocks and know they will be put to good use.

On Saturday April 1 we took off for a drive to San Saba.  For your next trivia question read this historical marker and use it as a question!

The color really does not show up very well. The bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush and Indian Blankets were very colorful.


This field was absolutely full of bluebonnets

This past Saturday we took off and saw that the Barrel Cacti are starting to bloom

We decided we needed an umbrella for our new deck. We wanted one of the cantilever ones. Now we won't be bombarded with stuff dropping from the trees. Will really be good in the Fall when the acorns are coming down.

Got the base weighted down today-filled it with sand. Tiki has decided this is her spot! The chair are just her size! 
That is about it for now. Not sure how much sewing will get done this week. Lots going on and of course all the various Easter 

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